Being Observational



 I smoke out on my porch a lot, which faces what is essentially a backyard and a frontyard because of the layout of my building. And, I find it easy to find things to observe, so it's a nice time for me to sit down and think. I'm sure the stuff I smoke helps, but also the environment that I am surrounded by really ignites a part of my mind that is creative. There is something about the act of taking time to just sit, and inhale, and look at the scenery before you that gets a train of thought chugging along. 

 My backyard here is beautiful. Unlike the place I was staying in the Springs. It's drier there, and more red, which isn't to my personal taste. But, here I feel that this is a taste of the inspiring outdoors that I'd like at a forever home. My wife and I have dreamed of living on the Oregon Coast, and I'm sure we will one day, but as we complete our life goals to make that happen, this place has been wonderful.  

To give a sense of what it's like, I'd like to take some time to describe it in detail. 

After I have whatever I'm smoking ready, in whatever method I've chosen to smoke it, I approach the front door to my apartment. My cat, Bootsy, will sometimes approach the door, wanting to come outside with me. So, I open it, Bootsy runs out and begins to meander up and down the shared balcony. I keep an eye on him of course, to make sure that he's alright, and light my smoke. That is when I get the chance to take in my surroundings.

There is a tree so large that some of the branches reach for the balcony, bountiful and mostly green, the edges on some are crisping as Autumn really sets in. There is another tree in the yard, not as big, but certainly as lush. I completely understand why it's called LakeWOOD. There are vines and soft leaves that curl around the fence surrounding the yard, and a maintained lawn with carpet-soft grass. The power lines run across and around the yard, suspended in the air above. More often than not, I can find a chipper squirrel scurrying across them and into the large and friendly tree. Bootsy is excited by them. Always going to the end of the balcony where the power lines start, observing for any squirrels and birds that come close enough for him to meow at. I continue to look, and as the smoke from the burning plant enters my lungs, I hold it for the briefest moment, before releasing it in one long, drawn out exhale. The sunlight always makes the colors seem that much more vivid, and even in the cold and wet of a storm, the rain pours elegantly onto the carpet of grass and cools the air. My backyard here is beautiful.

 A half hour out there, sometimes with my earbuds in, inspires. It inspires my creative works, it inspires me to do my homework, sometimes it just inspires me to play a video game, or call a friend. But taking time to observe and feel the world around me outdoors replaces worry from my mind with new and fresh ideas and a sense of calm and wonder. Once I've spent a few moments out there, everything is okay.

Observation is important to creativity because it allows you to notice things. And once you begin to notice things that exist within the tangible world, I feel it is easier to notice the good ideas that come into your mind. Sometimes your best ideas will come unexpectedly, or from a place of comfort, a place where you might not expect to find anything new. The act of mindful observation trains you to recognize that just because something, like having a smoke on the porch, may seem fleeting and insignificant, there are lessons and ideas to be learned from whatever you choose, so long as you're paying attention.


  1. Hello!

    I really resonated with a lot of your post and the observations of nature. I actually just posted about the Oregon Coast recently, as I find the state to be a truly magical place and where I also would like to reside one day.
    I often like to find random spaces where I can relax outside and enjoy the fresh air. Autumn is my favorite time of the year and when I like to be outdoors the most - maybe something about how gracefully the leaves fall and how the colors make you feel alive. I miss having an abundance of trees often as we had many forests in Atlanta.
    I am glad that you have a beautiful backyard and welcoming space that you and Bootsy are regularly able to enjoy :)


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