Self Reflecting

Something I’ve learned about myself this semester is that I need to set realistic expectations for myself. Sometimes I really am passionate about an idea or concept for a project or assignment, and while it may be a cool idea if I had an unlimited amount of time, it isn’t always feasible when I have time constraints. I’ve also learned to hold myself accountable more, which I believe ties into setting realistic expectations.

I hold myself to a standard that is sometimes unfair to myself, and so when I hold others to the same standard, well, I can hurt people’s feelings without meaning too. I’m in therapy again, finally, and I’m glad that I am because it helps me to remind myself that I, and no one else is perfect, and that mistakes are a part of life, and I don’t need to be so afraid of failure and making mistakes. Another thing I’ve taken away from this class is that it’s okay to fail, and to try again. It’s okay to take feedback and make changes to something. I’m learning to be more forgiving of myself, and I am happy to have grown so much and hope to continue to work to be a better human being.


  1. I'm glad to see your doing better right now! High expectations do often hurt and I sort of learned that the hard way through playing soccer. I played for high school thinking I was going to go pro but when I tried out for Boulder soccer I missed the cut and it was a pretty brutal week


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